Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My New Year's promise

End of a year is a time for new promises. Aside of trying to become rich, of course, i've come up with a more socially acceptable calculation of what to do with my time.
There are 15,5 hours of free time in my day (i do need 8,5 hours of sleep on average)
Which makes it 470 hours a month on average.
I plan to use 5% of that time on social activities next year, i.e. 23,5 hours a month.
And to allow for my financial analyst's mindset, i also consider monetary value of time according to my average hourly wage. So that instead of spending my time, i can spend part of that in money.
So 5% of my non-sleeping resoruces next year will be devoted to good cause. And i call upon everybody to follow.
I will post my half-year report on the issue in July.


Mikk said...

Where do you draw the line for good cause?

*uri said...

et kas see aeg tuleks jagatavast ajast maha arvestada nagu magamine? :)

Mikk said...

Teed äkki väikse follow-up posti. Mis jaanuari, veebruari, märtsi, aprilli tulemused on?