Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Hariduse tulevikust

Fred Wilson on bloggija, keda loen üsna aktiivselt. Hiljuti rääkis ta oma VC-blogis, kuidas ta äripartner tõi laua taha kokku juhtivad mõtlejad, pedagoogid ja ettevõtjad, et arutada hariduse tuleviku üle. Siin mõned huvitavamad punktid, mis Fred välja tõi

The student (and his/her parents) is increasingly going to take control of his/her education including choice of schools, teachers, classes, and even curriculum. That's what the web does. It transfers control from institutions to individuals and its going to do that to education too.

Alternative forms of education (home schooling, charter schools, online learning, adult education/lifelong learning) are on the rise and we are just at the start of that trend.

Students will increasingly find themselves teaching as well. Peer production will move from just producing content to producing learning as well.

Credentialing and accreditation in the traditional sense (diplomas) will become less important as the student's work product becomes more available to be sampled and measured online.

Testing and assessment will play more of a role in adapting the teaching process. A good example of this is how video games constantly adapt to the skill level of the player to create the perfect amount of creative tenstion. Adaptive learning systems will soon be able to do the same for students.
Mulle meeldib see viimane punkt. Igale õppeainele oma Guitar Pro!


助けて~! said...

凄く困ってます☆ すぐに連絡ください

精神年齢 said...


出張ホスト said...


メル友募集 said...


Anonymous said...

Olen Mavis Calos, esindaja Aiicco kindlustus plc, anname välja laenu individuaalsed erinevused usalduse ja au. anname laenu intressimääraga 2%. kui olete huvitatud võtke meiega ühendust selle ettevõtte e-post: ( nüüd jätkata oma laenu üleminekudokumendi ok. kui teil on vaja laenu, et luua ettevõtte või kooli te olete väga teretulnud Aiicco kindlustus plc. Võite meiega ühendust võtta ka selle e-post: ( saame üle kanda summa, mida taotletakse enne nädalas.